Barry Maranta建议Brisbane Broncos招募有经验的球员, Barry Maranta suggests Brisbane Broncos recruit experienced players to improve their forward pack after a 12th place NRL finish.
布里斯班野马队的创始董事巴里·马兰塔 (Barry Maranta) 主张招募经验丰富的球员或“硬汉”,以加强球队在 NRL 中获得令人失望的第 12 名后的前锋阵容。 Barry Maranta, founding director of the Brisbane Broncos, advocates for recruiting experienced players, or "hard heads," to strengthen the team's forward pack after their disappointing 12th place finish in the NRL. 他批评目前高薪年轻人才的策略, 并列举过去教练Wayne Bennett的成功招聘做法。 He criticizes the current strategy of overpaying young talent and cites the successful recruitment practices of past coach Wayne Bennett. Maranta对现任教练Kevin Walters通过更积极的招聘策略找到适当平衡的能力感到乐观。 Maranta is optimistic about current coach Kevin Walters' ability to find the right balance through a more aggressive recruitment strategy.