耐克和 Lululemon 的股价下跌,耐克更强劲的投资组合和股息收益率因稳定性和增长潜力而受到分析师的青睐。 Nike and Lululemon see stock declines, Nike's stronger portfolio and dividend yield favored by analysts for stability and growth potential.
耐克和卢勒蒙今年的股票分别下跌25%和50%,原因是收入增长放缓和消费支出变化。 Nike and Lululemon have seen stock declines of 25% and 50% respectively this year due to slowed revenue growth and changing consumer spending. 尽管Lululemon最近销售额增加了7%,但耐克的多样化投资组合和盈利能力使它成为更强大的投资。 Despite Lululemon's recent 7% sales increase, Nike's diversified portfolio and profitability make it a stronger investment. 耐克公司提供1.8%的股息收益和较高的P/E比率交易,而Lulemon公司不支付股息。 Nike offers a 1.8% dividend yield and trades at a higher P/E ratio, while Lululemon does not pay dividends. 两个品牌都可能恢复,但分析师偏向耐克,因为耐克具有稳定和增长潜力。 Both brands may recover, but analysts favor Nike for its stability and growth potential.