纽约时装周开始, 五名男装设计师展示他们的收藏。 New York Fashion Week commenced with five menswear designers showcasing their collections.
纽约时装周开始, 五名男装设计师展示他们的收藏。 New York Fashion Week commenced with five menswear designers showcasing their collections. 美国明尼苏达州的Earthling品牌首次以1970年代和Prince的灵感推出"子哭泣"系列. Earthling, a Minnesota brand, made its debut with the "Doves Cry" collection inspired by the 1970s and Prince. Aaron Potts 的调色板从桑给巴尔的海滩中汲取灵感,而 Clara Son 的系列则反映了她在艰难时期的梦想。 Aaron Potts drew from Zanzibar's beaches for his color palette, while Clara Son's collection reflected her dreams during tough times. Salting 推出了一条以航海为主题的系列。 The Salting introduced a nautical-themed line. 该活动于 9 月 6 日至 11 日举行,约有 60 名设计师参加。 The event runs from September 6 to 11, featuring about 60 designers.