俄亥俄州保尔丁县 Mercer Landmark 的游乐设施在集会期间坍塌,3 名男子受伤,1 人被空运。 3 men injured, 1 airlifted, during amusement ride collapse during assembly at Mercer Landmark in Paulding County, Ohio.
在俄亥俄州保尔丁县乡村的 Mercer Landmark 集会期间,游乐设施倒塌,导致三名男子受伤。 Three men were injured when an amusement ride collapsed during assembly at Mercer Landmark in rural Paulding County, Ohio. 这起涉及A&S派对租赁的事件发生在下午1:50左右。一名男子被空运到韦恩堡医院,而另外两名男子则被地面运输送往当地医院。 The incident, involving A & S Party Rental, occurred around 1:50 p.m. One man was airlifted to a Fort Wayne hospital, while two others were taken to local hospitals by ground transport. 应急服务,包括Paulding Fire & EMS和治安官办公室,对事件作出了反应。 Emergency services, including Paulding Fire & EMS and the Sheriff's Office, responded to the incident. 原因正在调查之中。 The cause is under investigation.