堪萨斯州莱利县 5512 High Meadow Circle 的 $90k 车库火灾,烟雾探测器没有造成人员伤亡;消防长官调查原因。 $90k garage fire at 5512 High Meadow Circle in Riley County, KS, with no injuries due to smoke detector; Fire Marshal to investigate cause.
2024 年 9 月 6 日,堪萨斯州莱利县塔特尔溪湖附近的 5512 High Meadow Circle 发生车库火灾,估计造成 90,000 美元的损失。 On September 6, 2024, a garage fire at 5512 High Meadow Circle near Tuttle Creek Lake in Riley County, Kansas, caused an estimated $90,000 in damages. 志愿消防员迅速扑灭火焰,没有受伤报告,部分原因是有一个有效的烟雾探测器提醒居民。 Volunteer firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze, with no injuries reported, thanks in part to a functioning smoke detector that alerted the resident. 堪萨斯州消防局长将调查原因。 The Kansas Fire Marshal will investigate the cause. 消防官员强调为安全起见关上门的重要性。 Fire officials stressed the importance of keeping doors closed for safety.