马里兰大学研究生珍妮特·埃普斯宇航员对国际空间站进行研究。 Astronaut Jeanette Epps, a University of Maryland graduate, performs research on the International Space Station.
马里兰大学毕业生珍妮特·埃普斯宇航员从3月初起就一直登上国际空间站。 Astronaut Jeanette Epps, a University of Maryland graduate, has been aboard the International Space Station since early March. 她正在进行旨在推进未来空间探索的研究。 She is conducting research aimed at advancing future space exploration. Epps在最近的一次访谈中讨论了她前往空间的非凡旅程及其对国际空间站科学努力的不断贡献。 In a recent interview, Epps discusses her remarkable journey to space and her ongoing contributions to the ISS's scientific efforts.