77 岁的皇后乐队吉他手布莱恩·梅 (Brian May) 透露,一次轻微的中风影响了他的手臂控制,但他正在康复,仍然可以弹吉他。 77-year-old Queen guitarist Brian May revealed a minor stroke affected his arm control, but he's recovering and can still play guitar.
皇后乐队 77 岁的吉他手布莱恩·梅 (Brian May) 透露,他上周遭受了轻微中风,暂时影响了他的手臂控制。 Brian May, the 77-year-old guitarist of Queen, disclosed he suffered a minor stroke last week, temporarily affecting his arm control. 他通过视频向粉丝保证,他正在康复,仍然可以弹吉他,但建议避免提高心率的活动。 He assured fans via video that he is recovering and can still play guitar, though advised to avoid activities that elevate his heart rate. 梅对他在萨里医院接受的护理表示感谢,并要求球迷不要同情。 May expressed gratitude for the care he received at a Surrey hospital and requested no sympathy from fans. 这起事件是在他上一次在 2020 年心脏病发作之后发生的。 This incident follows his previous heart attack in 2020.