40 岁的布法罗男子约翰·伯恩斯 (John W. Burns) 因涉嫌在 6 月 17 日与保安对峙后纵火 Old Pink 酒吧而被指控纵火。 40-year-old Buffalo man, John W. Burns, charged with arson for allegedly setting fire to Old Pink bar on June 17 after a confrontation with a security guard.
40 岁的布法罗男子约翰·伯恩斯 (John W. Burns) 因涉嫌在 6 月 17 日与保安对峙后纵火烧毁 Old Pink 酒吧而被指控纵火。 John W. Burns, a 40-year-old Buffalo man, has been charged with arson for allegedly setting fire to the Old Pink bar on June 17 after a confrontation with a security guard. 监控录像拍到他用丙烷火炬点火,目击者认出了他。 Surveillance footage captured him using a propane torch to ignite the fire, and witnesses identified him. Burns面临联邦指控,可能被判处5至20年徒刑。 Burns faces federal charges with a potential prison sentence ranging from five to 20 years. 火灾导致酒吧被拆毁,对当地社区造成严重影响。 The fire resulted in the bar's demolition, deeply affecting the local community.