兰开斯特市在9月30日之前进行EV充电站调查,PennDOT在10月11日之前寻求对州EV基础设施计划的投入。 Lancaster City conducts EV charging station survey until Sept 30, PennDOT seeks input on state EV infrastructure plans until Oct 11.
兰开斯特市在9月30日之前正在进行一项公众调查,以收集关于是否需要更多电动车辆充电站的反馈意见。 Lancaster City is conducting a public survey until September 30 to gather feedback on the need for more electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. 由顾问Kimley Horn管理的65 000美元研究旨在解决有限收费问题,这妨碍了EV的采用。 The $65,000 study, managed by consultant Kimley Horn, aims to address limited charging availability, which hinders EV adoption. 与此同时,宾夕法尼亚州交通部 (PennDOT) 正在寻求公众对其电动汽车充电基础设施计划的意见,直到10月11日,重点是发展全州强大的网络. Meanwhile, Pennsylvania's Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is seeking public input on its EV charging infrastructure plans until October 11, focusing on developing a robust network statewide.