爱尔兰的数据中心产业迅速扩张,对电力和水的使用构成挑战,占20%的份额;当局建议停止新项目。 Ireland's data center industry expands rapidly, poses challenges in electricity and water use with 20% share; authorities suggest halting new projects.
爱尔兰的数据中心产业迅速扩展,得益于其战略位置和强大的欧盟数据保护。 Ireland's data center industry has expanded rapidly, benefiting from its strategic location and strong EU data protections. 然而,这一增长带来了挑战,包括电费和对水资源的需求增加。 However, this growth poses challenges, including increased electricity costs and demands on water resources. 该国必须提高可再生能源生产,以支持不断增长的电力需求,因为数据中心现在占使用量的20%。 The country must boost renewable energy production to support rising electricity needs, as data centers now account for 20% of usage. 当局建议,在现有设施能够满足需求之前停止新项目,优先安排专门公共机构的决定。 Authorities suggest halting new projects until existing facilities can meet demand, prioritizing decisions by specialized public bodies.