Halsey讨论她从音乐向表演的过渡及其对艺术过程的积极影响。 Halsey discusses her transition from music to acting and its positive impact on her artistic process.
在最近的采访中, 歌手Halsey(Ashley Nicolette Frangipane)讨论了她向演唱“Americana”和“Maxine”等电影的过渡如何帮助她远离舞台人物。 In a recent interview, singer Halsey (Ashley Nicolette Frangipane) discussed how her transition to acting in films like 'Americana' and 'Maxxxine' has helped her distance herself from her stage persona. 她赞赏表演的协作性质,这与作为独唱艺术家的孤独形成了鲜明对比。 She appreciates the collaborative nature of acting, which contrasts with the loneliness of being a solo artist. 哈尔西发现这种新的艺术过程令人愉快和清爽,让她能够探索音乐生涯之外的不同身份. Halsey finds this new artistic process enjoyable and refreshing, allowing her to explore different identities beyond her music career.