建筑老板乔治·亚历克斯 (George Alex) 被判犯有 $10M 税务欺诈罪,未能出庭,现在已被签发逮捕令。 Construction boss George Alex, convicted of $10M tax fraud, failed to appear in court and is now issued an arrest warrant.
George Alex, 建筑老板, 被控诈骗澳大利亚税务局1 000万美元, 未能出庭, 促使法官发出逮捕令。 George Alex, a construction boss convicted of defrauding the Australian Tax Office of $10 million, failed to appear in court, prompting a judge to issue an arrest warrant. 尽管因阿片类药物吸毒而获得保释,但他的缺席导致Des Fagan法官宣布Alex将面临重大监禁。 Despite being granted bail for opioid addiction treatment, his absence led Justice Des Fagan to declare that Alex would face significant incarceration. 他的律师辩称,他的治疗在拘留期间会受到折磨,但法官驳回了这一论点,强调情况的严重性。 His lawyer argued his medical treatment would suffer in custody, but the judge dismissed this, emphasizing the severity of the situation.