CBT是一种常见的心理健康治疗,可能并非人人都能用;像ACT这样的替代疗法可能更适合一些人。 CBT, a common mental health treatment, may not work for everyone; alternative therapies like ACT may be more suitable for some.
认知行为治疗是对焦虑和压力等心理健康问题的一种常见和有效的治疗。 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a common and effective treatment for mental health issues like anxiety and stress. 它帮助病人改变负面思维模式和行为。 It helps patients change negative thought patterns and behaviors. 然而,它可能并非对每个人都有效;有些个人报告说,症状恶化或危难增加。 However, it may not work for everyone; some individuals report worsened symptoms or increased distress. 治疗的效果取决于治疗师的专业知识和病人-治疗师的匹配。 The therapy's effectiveness can depend on the therapist's expertise and the patient-therapist match. 对某些人来说,接受和承诺治疗等替代疗法可能更合适。 For some, alternative therapies like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) may be more suitable.