10 岁的 Evie Smith 因染分叉头发从 Kincraig 小学被送回家,学校要求恢复自然颜色。 10-year-old Evie Smith sent home from Kincraig Primary School for split-dyed hair, school requests return to natural color.
来自布莱克浦的 10 岁女孩伊薇·史密斯 (Evie Smith) 因染了分叉的头发而从金克雷格小学被送回家,她的灵感来自歌手梅兰妮·马丁内斯 (Melanie Martinez),老师们认为这会分散注意力。 Evie Smith, a 10-year-old girl from Blackpool, was sent home from Kincraig Primary School due to her split-dyed hair, inspired by singer Melanie Martinez, which teachers deemed distracting. 学校要求她回到她的自然颜色 恢复上课。 The school requested she return to her natural color to resume classes. 她的母亲April计划在9月21日的音乐会后在家教Evie,并争辩她的女儿有权表达自己的观点,尽管学校的严格制服政策. Her mother, April, plans to homeschool Evie until after a concert on September 21 and argues for her daughter's right to self-expression, despite the school's strict uniform policy.