女子在南本德市中心的枪击事件中受重伤,与法庭活动无关。 Woman critically injured in downtown South Bend shooting, unrelated to court activities.
一名女性在周三下午在美国破产法院附近的印第安纳州南本德市中心发生枪击事件后身处危急状态。 A woman is in critical condition after a shooting on Wednesday afternoon in downtown South Bend, Indiana, near the U.S. Bankruptcy Court. 警方大约在下午4时15分答复,指出枪击与法庭活动无关。 Police responded around 4:15 p.m. and indicated the shooting is not related to court activities. 南本德警察局暴力犯罪股正在进行调查,并在该地区实施道路封锁。 The South Bend Police Department's Violent Crimes Unit is investigating, and road closures have been implemented in the area. 当地新闻机构将提供进一步的最新情况。 Further updates will be provided by local news outlets.