通过SET4倡议,Treatment.com和爱丁堡大学合作加强医疗和社会护理转型. Treatment.com and University of Edinburgh partner for health and social care transition enhancement in the SET4 initiative.
治疗.com AI公司与爱丁堡大学合作,开发各种应用软件,旨在加强具有多重长期条件的个人的保健和社会护理过渡。 Treatment.com AI Inc. has partnered with the University of Edinburgh to develop applications aimed at enhancing health and social care transitions for individuals with multiple long-term conditions. 这一协作是SET4倡议的一部分,该倡议寻求以数据为驱动的解决方案,以改善苏格兰和可能整个联合王国的护理。 This collaboration is part of the SET4 initiative, which seeks data-driven solutions to improve care in Scotland and potentially across the UK. 两个组织还将探索其他项目,以提高保健效率和病人护理。 Both organizations will also explore additional projects to boost healthcare efficiency and patient care.