Ivy学院的一名学生因威胁对Chattanooga艺术和科学学院实施大规模暴力而被捕。 A student from Ivy Academy was arrested for threatening mass violence against Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences.
Ivy学院的一名学生因威胁对Chattanouga艺术和科学学院实施大规模暴力而被捕。 A student from Ivy Academy was arrested for making threats of mass violence against the Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences. 一名学校管理员向汉密尔顿县警察局报告了这些威胁,其中包括爆炸装置和穿甲子弹的图像。 The threats, which included images of explosive devices and armor-piercing bullets, were reported to the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office by a school administrator. 该学生供认了指控,现被关押在汉密尔顿县少年拘留中心。 The student confessed to the charges and is now held at the Hamilton County Juvenile Detention Center. 目前,这两所学校都没有受到任何积极的威胁。 There is currently no active threat to either school.