来自美国加州大学和加州理工学院的研究人员确定了与伤害有关的微环境以及急性肾损伤后预防慢性肾病的潜在目标。 Researchers from USC and Caltech identify injury-associated microenvironments and potential targets for preventing chronic kidney disease following Acute Kidney Injury.
南加州大学和加州理工学院的研究人员牵头进行的一项研究揭示了急性肾损伤后细胞相互作用的情况,急性肾损伤是一个重要的全球健康问题。 A study led by researchers from the University of Southern California and Caltech sheds light on cell interactions following Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), a major global health concern. 小组利用后续FISH工具分析受损肾脏组织中1,000多个基因,查明了与伤害有关的微环境,并预测了与慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)的联系。 Using the seqFISH tool to analyze over 1,000 genes in damaged kidney tissue, the team identified injury-associated microenvironments and predicted links to chronic kidney disease (CKD). 调查结果提供了防止CDKD的潜在目标,并强调有必要在生物医学研究方面进行跨学科合作。 Findings offer potential targets for preventing CKD and emphasize the need for interdisciplinary collaboration in biomedical research.