Rajasthan高等法院准予Mohammad Javed保释,他被控2022年Kanhaiya Lal谋杀案。 Rajasthan High Court grants bail to Mohammad Javed, accused in 2022 Kanhaiya Lal murder.
拉贾斯坦邦高等法院准予Mohammad Javed保释,他被控在2022年谋杀Udaipur的裁缝Kanhaiya Lal。 The Rajasthan High Court has granted bail to Mohammad Javed, accused in the 2022 murder of tailor Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur. 据称,Javed对谋杀进行了侦察,这是两名男子为了回应Lal对一名BJP领导人的有争议的言论的支持而进行的。 Javed was alleged to have conducted reconnaissance for the murder, which was carried out by two men in response to Lal's support for controversial remarks made by a BJP leader. 法院发现没有充分的证据将Javed与罪行直接联系起来,导致他获得保释。 The court found insufficient evidence linking Javed directly to the crime, leading to his release on bail.