教皇弗朗西斯赞扬印度尼西亚的高出生率,并敦促其他国家在他访问期间考虑这一方法。 Pope Francis praises Indonesia's high birth rate and urges other nations to consider its approach during his visit.
教皇弗朗西斯在访问印度尼西亚期间赞扬印度尼西亚的高出生率,指出家庭往往有3至5个孩子。 During his visit to Indonesia, Pope Francis praised the country's high birth rate, noting that families often have three to five children. 他幽默地批评了其他国家的趋势,在其他国家人们更喜欢宠物而不是儿童。 He humorously criticized the trend in other nations where people prefer pets over children. 教皇的评论吸引了Joko Widodo总统的笑容。 教皇的评论是在对出生率下降,包括印度尼西亚自1960年代以来大幅下降的关切中产生的。 The Pope's comments, which drew laughter from President Joko Widodo, come amid concerns over declining birth rates, including Indonesia's significant decrease since the 1960s. 他敦促其他国家考虑印度尼西亚对家庭规模的做法。 He urged other countries to consider Indonesia's approach to family size.