California解决与Elk Grove的诉讼, 要求城市在2025年前建造经济适用住房, California settles lawsuit with Elk Grove, requiring city to build affordable housing by 2025 and face increased state oversight.
加利福尼亚州已与萨克拉门托郊区的 Elk Grove 达成和解,要求该市为面临无家可归风险的居民建造更多经济适用房。 California has settled a lawsuit with Elk Grove, a Sacramento suburb, requiring the city to build more affordable housing for residents at risk of homelessness. Elk Grove必须在2025年7月1日之前确定一个新的地点,在五年内,住房审批工作将受到更多的国家监督。 Elk Grove must identify a new site by July 1, 2025, and will face increased state oversight for five years regarding housing approvals. 该市还将支付150 000美元的法律费用。 The city will also pay $150,000 in legal fees. 这一解决方案凸显了州和地方政府之间在加利福尼亚州住房危机中住房开发问题上的持续紧张关系。 This settlement highlights ongoing tensions between state and local governments over housing development amid California's housing crisis.