亚利桑那州的鱼,阿帕奇特特罗乌特 在进行了50年的恢复努力之后 被从濒危物种名单中删除了 Arizona's state fish, the Apache Trout, is removed from the Endangered Species List after 50 years of recovery efforts.
Apache Trout是亚利桑那州立鱼类,经过50多年的养护努力,已从濒危物种名单中删除。 The Apache Trout, Arizona's state fish, has been removed from the Endangered Species List after more than 50 years of conservation efforts. 内政部长Deb Haaland宣布这一成功,标志着由于恢复,首次将一种运动鱼类和鳟鱼从清单中除名。 This success, announced by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, marks the first time a sport fish and trout species has been delisted due to recovery. 在《两党基础设施法》的资助下,合作努力涉及生境恢复和清除非本地鱼类。 Collaborative efforts involved habitat restoration and the removal of non-native fish, supported by funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. 养护将继续确保人口的可持续性。 Conservation will continue to ensure population sustainability.