阿拉斯加法官宣布堕胎准入法违宪, Alaskan judge declares abortion access law unconstitutional, allowing expanded provider options for patients.
一位阿拉斯加法官宣布,一项只要求有执照的医生进行堕胎的法律违宪。 An Alaska judge has declared a law requiring only licensed doctors to perform abortions unconstitutional. 这项裁决源于2019年计划生育组织提起的诉讼,其中认为法律对低收入个人的影响格外严重,农村地区获得护理的机会有限。 The ruling stems from a 2019 lawsuit by Planned Parenthood, which argued the law disproportionately affected low-income individuals and limited access to care in rural areas. 该决定允许高级执业临床医生,如护士和医生助理,提供堕胎服务,这有可能增加阿拉斯加人获得堕胎服务的机会。 The decision allows advanced practice clinicians, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, to provide abortion services, potentially increasing access for Alaskans.