28岁的Raekwon Green因2020年在纽约罗切斯特和希腊四次暴力毒贩入侵住宅被判处14年徒刑。 28-year-old Raekwon Green sentenced to 14 years for four violent drug dealer home invasions in Rochester and Greece, NY in 2020.
28岁的Raekwon Green因在2020年2月至4月期间对罗切斯特和希腊(纽约州)的毒贩进行四次暴力家庭入侵中扮演的角色,被判处14年监禁。 Raekwon Green, 28, was sentenced to 14 years in prison for his role in four violent home invasions targeting drug dealers in Rochester and Greece, NY, between February and April 2020. 受害者在犯罪期间受到限制和攻击。 Victims were restrained and assaulted during the crimes. Green的共同共谋者Robert Forbes Jr. 因其参与而被判处19年徒刑。 Green's co-conspirator, Robert Forbes Jr., has received a 19-year sentence for his involvement. 两人均被判犯有《霍布斯法案》共谋和抢劫未遂罪。 Both were convicted of Hobbs Act conspiracy and robbery attempts.