美国篮球联盟新秀凯特琳·克拉克在助攻方面领先, 与安吉尔·里斯争夺年度新秀. WNBA rookie Caitlin Clark leads league in assists, vies for Rookie of the Year with Angel Reese.
WNBA新手Caitlin Clark因其优异的表演获得显著表彰, WNBA rookie Caitlin Clark has received significant recognition for her standout performances, leading the league in assists and averaging 24.6 points post-Olympic break. 她被看好成为年度最佳新秀,与创下篮板纪录的 Angel Reese 竞争激烈。 She is favored for Rookie of the Year, competing closely with Angel Reese, who has set a rebound record. 其他著名的新秀包括 NaLyssa Smith、Shyla Healy 和 Destiny Henderson。 Other notable rookies include NaLyssa Smith, Shyla Healy, and Destiny Henderson. 正常季节于9月19日结束,季后季于9月22日开始。 The regular season concludes on September 19, with playoffs starting September 22.