大韩民国向联合国粮食计划署捐助200万美元,用于在乍得东部的苏丹难民和乍得援助。 Republic of Korea donates $2m to UN WFP for Sudanese refugee and Chadian aid in eastern Chad.
大韩民国向联合国世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)捐助了200万美元,用于援助受乍得东部危机影响的56 000名苏丹难民和乍得公民。 The Republic of Korea has donated $2 million to the UN World Food Programme (WFP) to assist 56,000 Sudanese refugees and Chadian citizens affected by crises in eastern Chad. 这笔资金将便利现金转移,使接受者能够在当地购买必需品。 This funding will facilitate cash transfers, allowing recipients to buy essential goods locally. 乍得面临严重的粮食无保障问题,有340万人有需要,另有洪灾,影响近100万人。 Chad faces severe food insecurity, with 3.4 million in need and additional flooding affecting nearly one million. 粮食计划署紧急寻求9 700万美元,以在今后六个月继续提供支助。 WFP seeks an urgent $97 million to continue its support over the next six months.