由于交通事故造成的死亡人数高, 新南威尔士州警方从9月5日至8日增加了道路上的存在 (酒精,药物驾驶,疲劳). NSW Police increase road presence (drink, drug driving, fatigue) from Sep 5-8 due to high traffic fatalities.
RAID 行动将于 9 月 5 日至 8 日加强新南威尔士州道路上的警察部署,重点关注酒后驾驶、毒驾和因交通死亡人数上升而导致的疲劳驾驶。 Operation RAID will enhance police presence on New South Wales roads from September 5 to 8, focusing on drink driving, drug driving, and fatigue due to rising traffic fatalities. 该倡议旨在打击今年报告的205起致命撞车事件和226起死亡事件。 The initiative aims to combat the 205 fatal crashes and 226 deaths reported this year. 新南威尔士州警察部长Yasmin Catley敦促社区参与道路安全,强调遵守交通法和负责任的行为,特别是在酒精消费方面。 NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley urges community involvement in road safety, emphasizing adherence to traffic laws and responsible behavior, particularly regarding alcohol consumption.