尼日利亚警察在阿南布拉州逮捕了一名与加纳-贝宁团伙有联系的贩运儿童者。 Nigerian police arrested a child trafficker linked to a Ghana-Benin gang in Anambra State.
尼日利亚警察逮捕了一名与加纳和贝宁之间的帮派勾结的贩运儿童者,此前有越来越多的报告称阿南布拉州有失踪人员。 Nigerian police arrested a child trafficker linked to a gang operating between Ghana and Benin, following rising reports of missing persons in Anambra State. 嫌疑人的目标是13至16岁的儿童。 The suspect targeted children aged 13 to 16. 一名受害者已从加纳安全返回,正在接受侦讯。 One victim has been safely returned from Ghana and is being debriefed. 嫌疑人目前正在接受审讯,这可能导致营救更多的受害者和在团伙内部进一步逮捕。 The suspect is currently being interrogated, which may lead to the rescue of additional victims and further arrests within the gang.