内华达州州长隆巴多任命 D. Rodger “Dan” Waters 准将为内华达州国民警卫队第 31 任副将。 Nevada Governor Lombardo appoints Brigadier General D. Rodger "Dan" Waters as the 31st Adjutant General of Nevada National Guard.
内华达州州长Joe Lombardo已任命D. Rodger“Dan” Waters准将为内华达国民警卫队第31副总准将,接替即将退休的翁德拉·贝里少将。 Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo has appointed Brigadier General D. Rodger "Dan" Waters as the 31st Adjutant General of the Nevada National Guard, succeeding Major General Ondra Berry, who is retiring. 沃特斯是斯帕克斯居民,拥有丰富的国内外军事经验,他将监督该州军事行动中的约 5,000 名人员。 Waters, a Sparks resident with extensive domestic and overseas military experience, will oversee around 5,000 personnel in the state’s military operations. 在10月19日改变指挥仪式之后,他的正式指挥权于10月30日开始。 His official command begins on October 30, following a change of command ceremony on October 19.