印度民航部长计划在五年内建立一个用于国内飞机制造的SPV,目的是获得全球航空枢纽地位。 India's Civil Aviation Minister plans to establish an SPV for domestic aircraft manufacturing within five years, aiming for global aviation hub status.
印度民航部长K Rammohan Naidu宣布计划建立专用车辆(SPV), India's Civil Aviation Minister, K Rammohan Naidu, announced plans to create a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to boost domestic aircraft manufacturing, aiming for production to start within five years. 该倡议力求将印度定位为全球航空枢纽和出口国。 This initiative seeks to position India as a global aviation hub and exporter. 政府还在改革政策,包括对飞机零部件统一5%的税率,并强调维修、修理和整顿部门的潜在增长。 The government is also reforming policies, including a uniform 5% tax rate on aircraft parts, and emphasizes the potential growth of the Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) sector.