汉密尔顿市议员安德鲁·比德 (Andrew Bydder) 违反了冒犯性评论的行为准则,可能导致潜在的谴责、培训、指导和道歉。 Hamilton Councillor Andrew Bydder breached code of conduct for offensive comments, leading to potential censure, training, mentorship, and apology.
汉密尔顿市议员安德鲁·比德 (Andrew Bydder) 因对怀帕市长苏珊·奥里根 (Susan O'Regan) 及其工作人员的冒犯性评论而被认定违反了议会的行为准则,其中包括贬损性语言。 Hamilton Councillor Andrew Bydder has been found in breach of the council's code of conduct for his offensive comments directed at Waipā Mayor Susan O'Regan and her staff, which included derogatory language. 一项独立调查收到了23项投诉,导致提出训斥、强制性培训、辅导和公开道歉的建议。 An independent investigation received 23 complaints, leading to recommendations for censure, mandatory training, mentorship, and a public apology. 理事会将在9月17日的一次特别会议上讨论这些调查结果。 The council will discuss these findings in a special meeting on September 17.