喀麦隆远北地区暴雨和洪水造成8人死亡和6万人流离失所。 Eight deaths and displacement of 60,000 people due to torrential rains and flooding in Cameroon's Far North region.
据Mayo-Danay省省长Jean Lazare Ndongo Ndongo说,喀麦隆远北地区的暴雨造成8人死亡,6万人流离失所。 Torrential rains in Cameroon's Far North region have led to eight deaths and displaced 60,000 people, according to Jean Lazare Ndongo Ndongo, the Mayo-Danay division prefect. 洪水摧毁了4 000公顷农田,造成12 000栋房屋倒塌。 The floods have destroyed 4,000 hectares of farmland and caused 12,000 houses to collapse. 根据该国的气象中心,由于预计还会有更恶劣的天气,人道主义工作者正在紧急满足被疏散者对住所、食物和衣物的需求。 Humanitarian workers are urgently addressing the needs for shelter, food, and clothing among evacuees, as further severe weather is anticipated, according to the country's meteorological center.