3D模型供应商Nickech3D.ai获得了3个新的USPTO专利,使先进的3D模型生成算法的专利总数达到5个。 3D model provider Nextech3D.ai receives 3 new USPTO patents, bringing total to 5, for advanced 3D model generation algorithms.
Nextech3D.ai是一家由AI驱动的电子商务3D模式提供商,美国专利组织授予了3个新的专利,将其总数增加到5个。 Nextech3D.ai, an AI-driven 3D model provider for e-commerce, has been awarded three new patents by the USPTO, increasing its total to five. 这些专利涵盖从各种投入来源有效生成三维模型的先进算法。 These patents cover advanced algorithms for efficiently generating 3D models from various input sources. 随着全球3D市场不断扩大,零售业的现实日益扩大,Nextech3D.ai完全有能力满足对创新数字解决方案日益增长的需求。 With the expanding global market for 3D and augmented reality in retail, Nextech3D.ai is well-positioned to meet the growing demand for innovative digital solutions.