46岁的妇女在新西兰克赖斯特彻奇被捕,罪名是64起零售犯罪,包括40起入室盗窃。 46-year-old woman arrested in Christchurch, NZ for 64 retail crime charges, including 40 burglaries.
新西兰克赖斯特彻奇省一名46岁的妇女因大量商店行窃被捕,面临18项指控和64项其他罪状,主要罪名是零售犯罪,包括40起入室盗窃。 A 46-year-old woman in Christchurch, New Zealand, has been arrested for extensive shoplifting, facing 18 charges and 64 additional counts, primarily for retail crimes, including 40 burglaries. 一起事件涉及偷窃价值400美元的巧克力。 One incident involved stealing $400 worth of chocolate. 这标志着两周内该地区第二次逮捕了一名大额商店行窃者。 This marks the second arrest of a prolific shoplifter in the area in two weeks. 警察敦促零售商报告可疑活动,强调这类犯罪对当地企业的影响。 Police urge retailers to report suspicious activities, emphasizing the impact of such crimes on local businesses. 她定于9月25日出庭。 She is set to appear in court on September 25.