2023年,WWE大幅削减了家居演出,将重点转向国际旅游。 WWE significantly cuts domestic house shows in 2023, shifting focus to international tours.
美国的WWE将在2023年大幅减少国内的演出,在假期之前只安排两场. WWE is significantly cutting back its domestic house shows in 2023, with only two scheduled in the U.S. before the holidays. 重点将转移到联合王国和其他地点的国际参观,预计这些参观将扩大。 The focus will shift to international tours in the UK and other locations, which are expected to expand. 这一变化使人才可以有更多时间休假,他们普遍欢迎这一调整。 This change allows talent more time off, and they have generally welcomed the adjustment. 一年一度的假日旅游仍将继续进行,因为它仍然是该公司的一个重要收入来源。 The annual holiday tour will still proceed, as it remains a crucial revenue source for the company.