Wiltshire空中救护车警告无人驾驶飞机的安全风险,因为无人驾驶飞机推迟了行动。 Wiltshire Air Ambulance warns of safety risks from drones that delayed operations.
Wiltshire空中救护车在与无人机发生近乎碰撞后发出安全警告, Wiltshire Air Ambulance has issued a safety warning after a near collision with a drone, citing several drone-related incidents this year that have delayed operations. 联合王国的无人机操作员必须登记并遵守民航局的“无人机规则”,其中包括飞行低于400英尺和避免机场的规则。 Drone operators in the UK must register and follow the Civil Aviation Authority's 'The Drone Code,' which includes rules like flying below 400 feet and avoiding airfields. 慈善组织鼓励负责任的无人机使用,并建议使用无人机协助应用程序进行安全通知。 The charity encourages responsible drone use and suggests the Drone Assist app for safety notifications.