副总统卡马拉·哈里斯,霍华德大学校友,旨在成为第一位当选总统的妇女。 Vice President Kamala Harris, a Howard University alumna, is aiming to be the first woman elected as president.
副总统和霍华德大学校友Kamala Harris正寻求成为第一位当选总统的女总统,这标志着历史上的黑人学院(HBCU)的一个重要时刻。 Kamala Harris, Vice President and Howard University alumna, is seeking to become the first woman elected president, marking a significant moment for the historically Black college (HBCU). 哈里斯的旅程反映了霍华德的使命 服务和领导, 大学夸耀 著名的校友像Thurgood Marshall。 Harris' journey reflects Howard's mission of service and leadership, with the university boasting notable alumni like Thurgood Marshall. 虽然她得到了学生和校友的广泛支持,但有些人质疑她的政策,特别是关于加沙冲突的政策。 While she enjoys broad support from students and alumni, some challenge her policies, particularly regarding the Gaza conflict.