Taoiseach Simon Harris和加拿大总理Justin Trudeau讨论了将被绑架到白俄罗斯和俄罗斯的乌克兰儿童重新团结起来的问题。 Taoiseach Simon Harris and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau discussed reuniting Ukrainian children abducted to Belarus and Russia.
Taoiseach Simon Harris与加拿大总理Justin Trudeau讨论了乌克兰儿童在持续冲突中被绑架到白俄罗斯和俄罗斯的问题。 Taoiseach Simon Harris discussed with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the issue of Ukrainian children abducted to Belarus and Russia amid the ongoing conflict. 两位领导人都参加了一个全球联盟,旨在使成千上万的这些儿童与家人团聚。 Both leaders are part of a global coalition aimed at reuniting thousands of these children with their families. 会谈是在乌克兰问题和平首脑会议之后进行的,重点是向回返者提供心理支助。 Their talks followed the Peace Summit on Ukraine and included a focus on psychological support for returnees. 哈里斯还会见了卢森堡首相,讨论国际法和人权问题。 Harris also met with Luxembourg's Prime Minister to address international law and human rights.