尼日利亚推出了100B美元的路线图,到2030年将创意部门转变为主要的经济驱动力。 Nigeria launches $100B roadmap to transform creative sector into a major economic driver by 2030.
尼日利亚联邦艺术、文化和创意经济部推出了1 000亿美元的路线图,旨在到2030年将国家创作部门转变为主要的经济驱动力。 Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy has launched a $100 billion roadmap aimed at transforming the country's creative sector into a major economic driver by 2030. 由汉纳图·穆萨瓦部长牵头的这项倡议寻求为国内生产总值捐助1 000亿美元,并通过增长、创新、技能发展和文化保护创造200万个就业机会。 The initiative, led by Minister Hannatu Musawa, seeks to contribute $100 billion to GDP and create two million jobs through growth, innovation, skill development, and cultural preservation. 该战略强调建立强有力的伙伴关系,使尼日利亚成为非洲的创造性资本。 The strategy emphasizes strong partnerships to position Nigeria as Africa's creative capital.