新西兰夫妇根据指称的毒品联系对232k美元的现金限制令提出异议。 New Zealand couple disputes $232k cash restraining order based on alleged drug links.
一对新西兰夫妇为了把232 000美元藏在房顶而斗争,坚持他们是无辜的买家,与现金的所谓犯罪来源毫无关系。 A New Zealand couple is fighting to keep $232,000 found in their home's roof, insisting they are innocent buyers with no ties to the cash's alleged criminal origins. 警察认为这笔钱与毒品交易有关,因此根据2009年《犯罪所得(追回)法》对它发出了限制令。 Police, believing the money is linked to drug dealing, have placed a restraining order on it under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009. 高等法院法官Rachel Dunningham支持警方,但随着案件继续审理,这对夫妇将再次有机会对没收提出异议。 High Court Justice Rachel Dunningham supported the police, but the couple will have another chance to contest the forfeiture as the case continues.