伊朗商船Arabakhtar I在科威特水域倾覆,6名船员丧生。 Iranian merchant ship Arabakhtar I capsized in Kuwaiti waters, killing six crew members.
伊朗商船Arabakhtar I在科威特水域倾覆,导致包括印第安人和伊朗人在内的六名船员死亡。 The Iranian merchant ship Arabakhtar I capsized in Kuwaiti waters, leading to the deaths of six crew members, including Indians and Iranians. 事件发生在星期日,原因仍然不明。 The incident occurred on Sunday, and the cause remains unknown. 搜寻工作正在进行中,迄今已找到3具尸体。 Search efforts are ongoing, with three bodies recovered so far. 伊朗和科威特当局正在合作处理这一情况,随着救援行动继续进行,死亡人数可能各有不同。 The situation is being handled in collaboration between Iranian and Kuwaiti authorities, and the death toll may vary as rescue operations continue.