卫生和公众服务部更新了WIC收入准则,允许更多的家庭符合资格。 Department of Health and Human Services updates WIC income guidelines, allowing more families to qualify.
卫生和公众服务部更新了妇女、婴儿和儿童营养方案的收入准则,提高了更多家庭获得收入的资格。 The Department of Health and Human Services has updated the income guidelines for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) nutrition program, increasing eligibility for more families. 现在,四口之家每年可领取57 720美元。 A family of four can now earn up to $57,720 annually to qualify. WIC为孕妇、婴儿和5岁以下儿童提供营养食品、健康筛查和母乳喂养支助。 WIC provides nutritious food, health screenings, and breastfeeding support for pregnant women, infants, and children up to five. 家庭可向地方办事处申请,也可访问www.signupWIC.com索取更多信息。 Families can apply at local offices or visit www.signupWIC.com for more information.