得克萨斯州布朗斯维尔州与NTT数据公司合作,在市中心使用私人5G 用于智能城市解决方案。 Brownsville, Texas partners with NTT Data for Smart City solutions using private 5G in downtown area.
德克萨斯州布朗斯维尔与NTT数据公司合作,利用私人5G无线技术实施智能城市解决方案。 Brownsville, Texas, has partnered with NTT Data to implement Smart City solutions using private 5G wireless technology. 该倡议旨在改善公民服务,加强公共安全,促进可持续性,并通过实时数据分析和AI来管理增长。 This initiative aims to improve citizen services, enhance public safety, promote sustainability, and manage growth through real-time data analytics and AI. 该项目最初将侧重于市区地区,纳入智能基础设施和安全特点,以促进该市的可持续发展。 The project will initially focus on the downtown area, incorporating smart infrastructure and security features to foster the city’s sustainable development.