26岁的Kyle Decker死于Quasqueton大道的翻滚坠毁,没有系安全带。 26-year-old Kyle Decker died in a rollover crash on Quasqueton Avenue, not wearing a seatbelt.
来自爱荷华州温斯罗普的 26 岁的凯尔·德克尔 (Kyle Decker) 周日清晨在 Linn-Buchanan 路附近的 Quasqueton 大道上死于翻车事故。 Kyle Decker, 26, from Winthrop, Iowa, died in a rollover crash early Sunday morning on Quasqueton Avenue near Linn-Buchanan Road. 他驾驶一辆 2009 年的雪佛兰 Silverado,在转弯处失去控制,越过中心线,滚入沟渠。 Driving a 2009 Chevrolet Silverado, he lost control at a curve, crossed the center line, and rolled into a ditch. 没有带安全带的Decker被从车上射出,当场宣布死亡。 Decker, who was not wearing a seatbelt, was ejected from the vehicle and pronounced dead at the scene. 地方当局正在调查这一事件。 Local authorities are investigating the incident.