由于超速,31岁的Jairo Flores死于Shiloh路的一次车祸。 31-year-old Jairo Flores died in a single-vehicle crash on Shiloh Road due to excessive speed.
来自Catawba县31岁的Jairo Ismael Flores星期天清晨在Shiloh路发生一辆车失事时死亡。 Jairo Ismael Flores, a 31-year-old from Catawba County, died in a single-vehicle crash early Sunday morning on Shiloh Road. 驾驶2010年日产巨人,他失去控制,撞到一棵树。 Driving a 2010 Nissan Titan, he lost control and struck a tree. 北卡罗来纳州公路巡逻队指出,超速是事故的一个可能因素。 The North Carolina State Highway Patrol indicated that excessive speed was a likely factor in the accident. 在调查期间,道路被关闭了大约两个小时。 The road was closed for about two hours during the investigation.