澳大利亚21岁的Jamieson Leeson患有脊髓肌肉缩, 准备成为巴黎残奥会的第一个女子单人奖牌得主. 21-year-old Australian Jamieson Leeson, with spinal muscular atrophy, is set to be the first female individual medalist in boccia at the Paris Paralympics.
澳大利亚21岁的脊髓肌肉缩患者Jamieson Leeson将成为巴黎残疾人奥运会的第一位女子单人奖牌得主. Jamieson Leeson, a 21-year-old Australian with spinal muscular atrophy, is poised to become her country's first female individual medalist in boccia at the Paris Paralympics. 9 月 3 日参加了女子个人 BC3 比赛,自 2018 年以来,她迅速崛起。 Competing in the women's individual BC3 match on September 3, she has quickly risen to prominence since 2018. 由于财政原因,她的母亲Amanda将在巴黎的Dunedoo中央学校图书馆主办一个参观派对,而不是参加巴黎的活动。 Due to financial reasons, her mother, Amanda, will host a viewing party at Dunedoo Central School library instead of attending the event in Paris.