“Binny and Family”中的退伍军人演员Pankaj Kapur讨论了弥合代际差距以加强家庭纽带的问题。 Veteran actor Pankaj Kapur in "Binny and Family" discusses bridging generational gaps to strengthen family bonds.
以“Binny and Family”为主的退伍军人演员Pankaj Kapur讨论了弥补代际差距以加强家庭纽带的问题。 Veteran actor Pankaj Kapur, starring in "Binny and Family," discusses bridging generational gaps to strengthen family bonds. 在一次访谈中,他强调了世代之间相互学习和理解的重要性。 In an interview, he highlights the importance of mutual learning and understanding between generations. 影片定于9月20日发布, 紧随一位年轻女孩在家庭动态中航行, Kapur描绘一位教授倡导改善沟通。 The film, set for release on September 20, follows a young girl navigating family dynamics, with Kapur portraying a professor advocating for better communication. 该项目旨在解决家庭因这些差距而面临的挑战。 The project aims to address the challenges families face due to these gaps.