根据CDNetworks的一项调查显示, 20%的东南亚企业在过去一年中遭遇网络攻击, 20% of Southeast Asian businesses faced cyber attacks in the past year, while 40% were uncertain about their security status, according to a CDNetworks survey.
CDNetworks调查显示,东南亚企业在网络安全准备方面存在重大差距。 A CDNetworks survey reveals significant cybersecurity preparedness gaps among Southeast Asian businesses. 调查发现,去年有20%的人面临网络攻击,40%的人对其安全情况不确定。 It found that 20% faced cyber attacks in the past year, while 40% were uncertain about their security status. 关键威胁包括DDoS攻击、赎金软件和SQL注射。 Key threats include DDoS attacks, ransomware, and SQL injections. 虽然51%将网络安全列为优先事项,但挑战依然存在。 Although 51% prioritize cybersecurity, challenges remain. 为了提高云安全性和保护运营,CDNetworks建议采用多层"深度防御"战略. CDNetworks recommends a multi-layered "defense-in-depth" strategy to enhance cloud security and protect operations.