在RE+ 2024展示高效光电池组件的运行能力,在阿拉巴马州新建2GW工厂。 Runergy to exhibit high-efficiency PV modules at RE+ 2024, with new 2GW factory in Alabama.
顶级太阳能公司Runergy将于9月10日至12日在加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆举行的RE+ 2024活动中展示其高效光伏发电模块。 Runergy, a top-tier solar energy company, will showcase its high-efficiency photovoltaic (PV) modules at the RE+ 2024 event in Anaheim, California, from September 10-12. Runergy因其创新和可持续性而得到承认,获得了EcoVadis为ESG表现颁发的铜质奖章,是2024年光电池模块指数中的最高成就者。 Recognized for its innovation and sustainability, Runergy has received a Bronze Medal from EcoVadis for ESG performance and is a Highest Achiever in the 2024 PV Module Index. 该公司新建的阿拉巴马工厂今年将开始生产2GW。 The company’s new Alabama factory is set to begin production with a capacity of 2GW this year.