Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 赞同特朗普,他可能任命他领导一个言论自由委员会。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorses Trump, who may appoint him to lead a free speech commission.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 支持唐纳德·特朗普可能有助于巩固特朗普在选民中的支持,有可能影响选举结果。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump may help solidify Trump's support among voters, potentially influencing the election outcome. 如果特朗普获胜,有人呼吁他任命肯尼迪为新的委员会的主席,该委员会的重点是保护言论自由,特别是联邦努力审查亨特·拜登笔记本电脑丑闻的报道。 If Trump wins, there are calls for him to appoint Kennedy as chair of a new commission focused on protecting free speech, particularly regarding federal efforts to censor coverage of Hunter Biden's laptop scandal. 该委员会将调查与据称拜登政府控制媒体有关的违反第一修正案的行为。 This commission would investigate First Amendment violations linked to alleged media control by the Biden administration.